One of the things I pride myself in is that I always manage to do things on my own. Either with minimal supervision, qith little help or with nothing at all -all by myself for everything and anything.
I love to think myself independent and strong and all those pretty adjectives for the best solo parent ever. for the best solo SOLO.

But you know, sometimes, I also find myself in one of those moments when I wish I don't have to do it alone.
AND I always get this when I'm feeling sick, lonely or just really, really tired.
I think, Wouldn't it be nice if someone drives me and/or picks me up after a long day at work? Not that I mind getting to work\/ getting home myself.
BUT Wouldn't it be nice if I come home to not just one hug, but two?
Not that I mind getting two, three, four more from little one every so often.
BUT Wouldn't it be nice to have someone pour me a glass of lemonade when my throat feels like a frog has already taken residence?
Not that I mind squeezing my own lemons and making a pitcher of lukewarm calamansi juice.
BUT Wouldn't it be nice to sit close to someone have conversations over a cup of coffee, exchanging thoughts on random things?
Not that I mind snuggling with little girl with a warm cup of choco. Or writing down random thoughts here in my blog.
BUT Wouldn't it be nice to have someone lovingly (LOVINGLY) reminding me of my medicines, giving me a back rub, or darn, or just giving a glass of water when i'm feeling sickie.... sickie like a baby?
Not that I mind writing my own TO Do's and posting a thousand post its on my fridge.
SOMETIMES, what we can do by ourselves, what I can do on my own, can somehow be... well, a bit better IF I didn't have to do it solo.
As my good friend G shared the exact same thoughts with me a few days back, I completely feel for her, with her...
Nonetheless, I am still thankful, just the same.
I may not have a PARTNER IN CRIME, BETTER HALF, etc. BUT I realize, I will settle (AM OKAY) with a great yaya who helps me in all of the above. And of course, for MANANG, who never fails to give me the traditional Pinoy massage when I badly want one.
That's not so bad, huh? LOLZ
As always, God really provides :D
And for a good read this week, I've stumbled upon 'The Single Mother's Survival Guide', by Patrice Karst.
Tonight though, I am searching high and low for a copy of this book.. It's just beautiful. wonderful. full of heart.......

So, you know, after seeing this picture and reading the synopsis of this children's book, I KNOW, I wouldn't trade my being a solo mommie for anything else.