I doubted that people ever get second shots in anything in this life. And it is with this line of thought that I built my life upon that it scared me too much to make any mistake or stumble and stray from a life completely and "perfectly" planned out.
Then one day, I woke up with everything broken and everything unfamiliar.
And the rest, as they say, is history....
Today, my little one turns 2.11 years old. In a month's time, my little one will grow a year older, a year wiser.. A year further from the time I carried this baby in my tummy. This year, Coco and I won't be throwing a party. Instead, we'll just bake some cupcakes, make some spaghetti and chicken and prepare some balloons for her play mates at playroom.
She said she just wants a new princess doll or a barbie. AND a kiss and a hug from her "bestest mommie".
AND I JUST WANNA BAWL. and hugged my little one the tightest ever!!!
You know, three years ago, as I sat in my grandma's wicker rocking chair holding this little baby in my arms, I wondered if I would ever get this far. Without a man. Without a plan. Without that radiant light of hope. Scared to death I was.
I still cry when I remember that exact moment. I just couldn't imagine, for the life of me, a day without this wonderful daughter that God has gifted me. And every single day after that day, I lived, I worked and built a life around this little girl named Coco.
And for 2.11 years, I have become a woman I never imagined I am capable of becoming.
I've learned to budget. to cook. to clean. to mop. to scrub floors. to multitask. to sing.
I've learned to prioritize. to speak slowly. to cry. to laugh. to be happy. to take care of my health.
I've learned to pray earnestly. to mind my manners. to watch my words. to have hope.
I've learned to appreciate every sunrise. to anticipate every sunset. to be more patient. to be loving. and nurturing.
I've learned to understand and believe in second shots in life.
I've learned to become a mother.
And I've my Coco to thank for the beautiful things that i've seen over the past two.11 years. For the lazy mornings and quiet gmorning mommy, for the read-me-books time,for the jellyace marathon, for the barbie fevers, for the tantrums, for the crazy conversations. for being the life of my every day existence.
Happy monthbirthday lil one, I surely have the best kinda daughter any singlemama can ever ask for.

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