Last week went like a blur. It went so fast, I couldn't digest everything in one sitting. When I got home from almost a week-long stay in Butuan, my closest friends in the bank gave me a very heartwarming send off and I truly wished, I wouldn't have to leave them behind. They have really made my stay worthwhile. :(
And though it is a bit painful to walk away from something that has been my home for more than 3 years, I guess, as D said, we all have to move on to something better. AND well, the friendship that we have do not end with my short stint in this bank.
I'll miss the laughter that we share, the food, and even the pranks of P. I'll miss the team the most, D of course, for I have never found anyone whom I care about and who cares about me as genuinely as this woman. Like a real sister, D has never ever given me a piece of bad advise. AND as she and her husband K go through a new stage in their lives, I am hundred percent excited as they are. And I will also love their little one on the way, as much as they would.
I'll miss B and D - the angels from the different lot, for they have managed to stay true and honest and pure, despite the stress and the issues. I'll miss the couples too for in them I have seen that I guess, true love exists. D- i will always have a soft spot for you. ALWAYS!
I'll miss my baby M, who looks a lot like my daughter. lolz For I am in awe of how mature this little woman is. I'll miss baby P, because for me, he will always be a baby. ;P the innocent guy we trained to do LA work, who turned out to be the youngest AO. lolz Trixie star and all- I don't care.
I'll miss you too R- my coffee mate. yosi mate. Break free-mate. I'll miss your partner C too haha because, this girl sure has her way of cracking me up.
I'll miss my work. The stress. The pressure. The crazy accounts that I handle. I love the job, as much as I can ever describe. And I will forever save a space in my heart for the combank experience.
I'll miss the team mates who have played major roles in shaping my career. Despite the issues, the lows, and the understated chaos of everything, I am truly thankful I have met such brilliant people.
I will miss my boss - who hates me so much right now. Because once upon a time, we were a great team. And I fervently hope that he will understand why I have to leave.
I will miss Ate C- because she understands me and I understand her in a way only both of us get.
I am thankful for the memories, for the friendship. AND I am hoping that the distance between my new work and my old would truly be just a block away. I hate to lose the friendships forged to mere memories.
Today is my first day officially out of work. AND I spent it as Coco's Mom. :D I attended her (and mine's first) Parent-Teacher Meeting and I was glad that all things fell into the right schedule.
Little one finished first in her class, she's confident and is ready to move up to the next level. As I sit here, waiting for the fish to cook, I thank God for giving me the chance to become better: a better friend, a better worker, a better sister. AND of course, a better mother.
It's always beautiful to go through life changes. Because we see the beauty of the futre, and appreciate the wonders of our past.
I am ready. AND i'll see you all soon. Here or There. ;p
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