I attended a seminar a few nights back and the speaker said: when we were small children, we dreamed big dreams. We wanted material stuff like big houses, cars, jewelry, travel, etc. When we grew up the big bubble of a dream was reduced to about a marble-size longings and broken promises.

And the reason she gave is that when we grew up, we realized that our dreams depend on our purchasing power. We cannot dream big when we don't have money, A one big road block to our dreams.

Hmmm. For a moment, I seem to agree with her that our dreams become smaller by the year we gain. How can we achieve our dreams if we cannot move mountains?
BUT, for the life of me, I just don't believe it! I won't!!
I believed in Maany Villar's famous line EVEN THE POOR CAN DREAM (Hindi Bawal Mangarap ang Mahirap). Dreaming is free! We can dream BIG, dream much, dream more, for all we care. And with hardwork and perseverance, we really can make those dreams come true. Lack of money certainly is not one roadblock that would keep us from forging on!
If we don't have money, can we not dream at all?

And when grown up people reduce their dreams to pea size aspirations, can we ever be hopeful again? I'm no longer a kid, but I still dream big. I still dream much. Who cares about money? LOL.
Last time I checked, my dream bag seems still almost to the brim!
I still dream of buying pretty flats.
I still want to travel in style.
I still dream for a house by the lake, with a red swing and a pretty front porch.
I still dream of sunny breakfasts every weekend with loved ones.
I still dream of me and lil one on weekend shopping spree!
I still dream of visiting Rome.
AND I still think I can make these dreams come true before I die. (LOL)

I think those kinda grown ups, like the speaker a few nights back, reduced their dreams not because of money. But because of their fear of disappointment. With that, they cut down their lists, throw away some dreams to accommodate the big space for WHAT IFs and MAYBEs.
There will always be disappointment, no matter what, no matter which road we take. But for every unrealized dream is a new dream, a new hope. Why should we let go?
Without dreams, without hope, what is left for us?
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