D posted piks from iPhoto with Coco having oodles of fun making funny faces and seeing double. Lil one spent that day playing hide and seek with my friends D and D, and signing and dancing and twirling. LOL. I could not imagine a work life with my lil one around! There's just so much fun when she's around, no one wants to actually sit and down and just pound words away.
Then my friend G, posted, that she loved the agua.bendita picture, and if I could imagine if I had twins?

I paused for a bit and I know, it would just be super dooooper double the fun!
I remember the fortune tellers who have told me that I am destined to become a mother to twins. And maybe, after hearing this piece of fortune from two different persons may have actually seeded in my unconscious the desire to become a mom to twin babies... LOL. Gosh, that gives me the goosebumps!! But if Lil One is Agua.Bendita; two beautiful kiddos; twins... it would really be double the love, double the blessings :) Imagine,
Two princesses twirling in front of my mirror.
Two I love you, Mommies before shut eye.
Two tight hugs in a single embrace.
Two dreams merging with my own...
Everything in two. Everthyting twice as much. Everything more.

BUT before I go into the expenses portion, which would undoubtedly blow up the stars in my eyes, I know that with Lil One, it's just double the everything even if she's just one.

There will always be this only one person who holds my heart. Only one little soul that will always make me feel the craziest blessed woman on this side of the planet.
Baby gurl is growing up fast. She'll be turning 3 in a couple of months, and tonight, she started making reference to drinking milk from a glass instead of her bottle. And she didn't wear diapers to sleep tonight too. During the afternoon short walk we did today, we went to cross the bridge and back and lil one asked me why there are people living under the bridge. And as I search for a meaningful answer to say, I just couldn't, for the life of me, understand it either. And suddenly, I felt lil one is really growing up before my eyes.
Lil One is snoring her way to dream land now. And I should be pounding words away about my topic for the week. And quit this daydreaming. LOL.
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