I hopped on planes, rode on buses
throw caution in the air
and chased the wind.
Once I was 18, I believed in true love
and wished for happy ever after
Watched as prince rode one after another
and wondered when mine would come
Once I was 18, I dreamed of big dreams
walked like there's no tomorrow
and thought the Universe conspires
for one thing my heart desires
Once I was 18, and then I was no more.
For the first time in almost ten years, I attended a debut. Unlike the traditional 18 dances, 18 candles, H's party was Korean inspired and everything was done in the one thing she loves most: Princess Hours.
Indeed, H looked every part of it.

I wished her more adventures to record and to write about. And shared that life is her story, she chooses what to write, she decides which happens next. And if ever she does make a tiny mistake, she could always press the delete button. haha but more importantly, I wished for H to continue writing, but to choose her words wisely, so one day she can look back and say her story was as perfect as that of princess hours.

And my closest friends tried dressing up for our choice korean character :) And we felt not really 18, but younger than we are now. lol One came as ninja assassin, another as a Korean Pop Princess, me from a character in Endless Love (OMG-LOL!!), one from Full House and another from a separate korean soap.
Would you actually believe we enjoyed our night?
For one night, it felt like we were 18 again. Only this time, wiser. more careful. more uhm, more on the reality side. lol at one point, it indeed felt like we were faculty members during a JS prom. lolz
I was teary eyed when H's dad took her for the first dance, when H's sister P said her piece as her first happiness, and I was beaming proud when I heard my friend T read her mother's message to the debutante. For what it really is, H's 18th birthday was a magical moment, filled with love, hope, laughter- for her and her family and certainly, for us too.
More love. Happy Birthday H!

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