Saturday, May 11, 2013

Moms Vote

Being a mother is a choice we can make in a lifetime.

Some of us become birth mothers by circumstance, as I have become; some of us are thrust into the responsibility of motherhood without so much a thought or a warning.

But most women rise to meet the challenge of this world called Motherhood.

And as we stand up to the challenge, we become Mothers, in the true essence of the word; because, we become Mothers only by conscious choice.

In that moment of decision, we take that commitment to put our child before ourselves;
We actively make a choice to become not just birth mothers, but also nurturers and protectors for a lifetime.

Mothers are complicated creatures;

We are made of steel but with arms soft enough to give warm hugs. We are often the small constant voice in a household; but most likely the only word being listened to.  We are strict but fair; the sometimes annoying but mostly well-loved;

As mothers, we take in all the work that we can, burning the midnight candle to earn a living, and to provide for the basic needs of a child; Yet we also create time for bedtime stories and homework; 

We wake up early to put quick breakfast on mornings yet linger to talk about the day ahead ; we save for the rainy days so we can watch our kids sleep soundly at night, yet we can spare a peso for that extra scoop of gelato;

We make decisions in a blink of an eye, but out from a well-thought out plan. We think with a million reasons, yet we listen closely to what our hearts say. 

We keep order in the house, but find days of chaos-- of unkempt rooms with toys and books scattered, allowable.

Mothers are made of opposite poles, amazingly merged into compromise and understanding. We are complicated, but really, just quite simple.

Mothers are thinkers, more than emotional; we are foremost, creatures of reason. We think more than we feel; but we are not unfeeling. 

We fight for what is right and what is due, but we are often drawn to peace and harmony.

This weekend, the whole nation is in a pandemonium over the May 2013 elections. 
And as the cosmos would have it, it falls just a day short of Mothers’ Day.

So this year, as a mother, I will celebrate Mothers’ Day by casting my vote and choosing a leader who can be the voice of mothers: of women, and of children. 

As we enter the voting precincts and choose our leaders, remember to be a Mother.

Remember to choose a leader:
·         who will protect our children; to keep them from harm, abuse and exploitation; 
·         who will be able to fight for better health care: accessible and available to all;
·         who believes that women have the right for the basic reproductive and maternal health care;
·          who will fight for the rights of us women against discrimination and violence;
·         who will fight for our children to have the basic education;  to be able to learn and understand; to be able to reason and become our future learned leaders;
·         who will put our country, our interest and our children’s interest first;
·         who will understand and truly represent the voice of this marginalized sector.

This Monday, let us be the Mothers of our country.
Let’s choose wisely so our children can keep the freedom that we enjoy today.

Don’t sell your vote.
Make a conscious choice.



  1. Hello,

    Totally agree and feel you on this post, Sis. Kaya lang I wasn't able to vote last elections. Nag-expire na pala yung registration ko without me knowing it ahead of time.

    Anyway, I found your blog through google. I was searching for fellow single mommy bloggers din kasi.

    I just started blogging, which I find as a therapy to you know deal with the hardships of single motherhood.

    Bookmarked your page.

    Hope to see new posts soon.

    Cheers! ;-)

  2. Hei 😊 glad that you have stumbled upon my blog. I hope to read more from over ur side too! Keep writing!


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