Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thank You for August

August is a month of celebrations. For this brief moment in a year, I hold my reality in this state of fleeting abeyance and allow myself to savor every happy, raucous, chaotic days of eating sweets, drinking wine and spending both time and money in pampering thyself. (oh.no.)

Few days ago, I crossed into the third decade with the most unexpected beautiful surprises. The transition into this new phase has been fairly kind and a great deal awesome! The birthday well wishes started pouring in the last week of July and trickled well into the middle of this month. There was one surprise after another, and if I had known 30 is being this loved, I would have jumped and skyrocketed into this year!

So, I am ready for this next stage in my life and I am ,this year, yet again thankful for so many things:

* for my daughter who has grown into this amazing little lady. She has never failed to surprise me with her thoughtfulness, her sweetness and her lovable nature. She has also come to understand the many changes we have been encountering and we have both found ourselves in the middle of something new and beautiful.

* for my job, that never fails to surprise me with reasons why I keep doing this daily grind (and keeping a steady heart when I feel like throwing the towel in). I am mostly thankful for the people I work with. I am lucky to belong in a group where there is harmony and genuine caring. 

* for my family who has always been my number one support core. For always loving me and little girl, wholeheartedly and unconditionally. For celebrating our milestones and filling our transitions with so much love and happiness. I am thankful for this family who has held it together -- after all the storms and the hurdles, we have been blessed to find ourselves loving each other stronger than before.

* for my friends who have taken time to make me feel wonderful and loved, not just in this special occasion but for all the other days in between

* for M, who is the biggest surprise in my life. I am grateful to find our paths crossing at the least expected moment, and for making me feel this loved and special. I am thankful for the everyday I spend with him, for the many stories we tell, for the laughter that we share and for the fact that I find myself being this happy. 

I am thankful for God has provided me with a well-lived 20s, and has ushered in a new decade in such style and love! I am thankful for the so many answered prayers, for the little things that make us happy, and for the everyday that we get to live and find ourselves being able to love again, for hoping and having this unwavering faith that yes, life can indeed be beautiful.

Today, little girl is celebrating her 6th birthday, and the celebrations continue and will continue well into the coming weeks.

Thank you Lord, and dear friends for this wonderful chance of being able to do things in Your Grace.

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