And I think to myself, how lovely.
Imagine if everything just comes in a single moment, fear, happiness, rejection, elation, challenges after another, hope? where will we place our hearts? I had a crazy dream last night filled with crazy situations all mixed together. Emotions mingling, overlapping, just plain confusing.
I dreamt of a little boy who was infected with rabies and he was crying and whining, and his nanny (who is a nun) just kept on rocking him and assuring him things will be fine. And as I walk down that hallway, I remember thinking how sorry I am for the kid. And it breaks my heart. And I went on to think about how the hell am I gonna take the fear, the worry, the sadness, the hope all in if that happened to my lil girl. And so I pushed the thought and the image away... Yeah, I could do that even in my dream-induced sleep.
And I dreamt of one-who-must-be-forgotten, mixed with numerous faceless people, a boa constrictor, me in a yellow sundress and aqua gladiators, walking in busy busy street looking for that perfect location for a shoot. And even in my dream, I started rationalizing everything. like reading in between dream symbols and slowly TRYING to interpret. weird. soooo weird. wth.
And I woke up with a sudden thump that the sun is way up high and I overslept, yet again. Upon seeing the above line, I grinned cuz there is no way in hell I am gonna survive in a world that all things happen all at once. Like, ALL AT ONCE.
My friend T is meeting up with A tomorrow. Since I'd be on leave, I told T I won't be able to tag along. But now, I feel like going. What is it that I am seriously looking for? Answers? Assurance? I don't seriously know. Just that this A, A just fills up the small window marked void in my little heart.
And I don't even have a single effin clue if it is remotely true. Truth! gawd.
I gotta admit, this is hilarious.

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