And so, the past week was spent chasing my lil one around and playing Mommie to three/four beautiful kiddos.
I taught Q how to bake cookies, substituting basic ingredients with what we can find in the cupboards.
And she made them perfectly like a pro.. :D
Picked flowers with my little one during church visits and planted some back at home.
Bathe in the sunshine on Easter Morning
And as I watched my kiddo dressed up as Snow White and ran around the house with so much dreams, love and happiness...
I figured that this second chance in life that I have is the best gift that my Lord gave me.
Over the few days I visited churches, and contemplated on the Word of God, on my life now and on our future and our dreams, I have learned that when JC died on the cross one day, He died to give the world a second chance.
Like He gave me mine. And in doing so, I have experienced Unconditional loving, relentless faith and unceasing Hope.
With this second shot, I believe the world is a better one for me and for my little one. It's not easy going down the road less travelled, with its bumps and turns. But knowing that each turn leads us to the right direction and eventually reaching posts of dreams, we just close our eyes and enjoy the warmth of the sun on our faces and the singing of the wind.
When you find your unconditional love and believe in second chances in life, life is but a heart on black outs. :D
LOVE. :)
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