I got us a pair, for the upcoming shoot. I'm not sure where we're gonna wear it since I wanted a victorian/vintage breakfast setting. BUT THEN AGAIN... I've got these bunch of ideas swimmin in my head... Thank God our photographer is such a patient man!
And so the past days have been spent sketching table settings, finding the right "props" and conceptualizing dresses, settings, accessories and yes even food! And so, when God handed over crates of mangoes, I spent two straight days in the kitchen making mango rolls, mango cakes, mango floats...
AND Of course, because i've already started baking, let's not forget the trusted chocolate cake. This time, in my most favorite pan: the heart :)
I've been baking endlessly. And as the long weekend starts tomorrow, I'm thinking of new flavors to bake.. :D What would you like?
My sister Corie shopped presents for my lil gurl. and OMG. Made me cry..
Thank you God, for giving me a sister who's really thoughtful, grounded, loving, fabulous and who loves my little girl like her own. SIGH. I miss my partner in crime!'

Tonight, I have learned that with the friends and family I have, I have everything that I could ask for. Thank you God, for the blessings. Thank you God for this kind of Love.
Love to all of you! Happy, happy Easter. Have a blessed Holy Week everyone :)