Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wouldn't it be NICE?

One of the things I pride myself in is that I always manage to do things on my own. Either with minimal supervision, qith little help or with nothing at all -all by myself for everything and anything.

I love to think myself independent and strong and all those pretty adjectives for the best solo parent ever. for the best solo SOLO.

But you know, sometimes, I also find myself in one of those moments when I wish I don't have to do it alone.

AND I always get this when I'm feeling sick, lonely or just really, really tired.

I think, Wouldn't it be nice if someone drives me and/or picks me up after a long day at work? Not that I mind getting to work\/ getting home myself.

BUT Wouldn't it be nice if I come home to not just one hug, but two?
Not that I mind getting two, three, four more from little one every so often.

BUT Wouldn't it be nice to have someone pour me a glass of lemonade when my throat feels like a frog has already taken residence?
Not that I mind squeezing my own lemons and making a pitcher of lukewarm calamansi juice.

BUT Wouldn't it be nice to sit close to someone have conversations over a cup of coffee, exchanging thoughts on random things?
Not that I mind snuggling with little girl with a warm cup of choco. Or writing down random thoughts here in my blog.

BUT Wouldn't it be nice to have someone lovingly (LOVINGLY) reminding me of my medicines, giving me a back rub, or darn, or just giving a glass of water when i'm feeling sickie.... sickie like a baby?
Not that I mind writing my own TO Do's and posting a thousand post its on my fridge.

SOMETIMES, what we can do by ourselves, what I can do on my own, can somehow be... well, a bit better IF I didn't have to do it solo.

As my good friend G shared the exact same thoughts with me a few days back, I completely feel for her, with her...

Nonetheless, I am still thankful, just the same.

I may not have a PARTNER IN CRIME, BETTER HALF, etc. BUT I realize, I will settle (AM OKAY) with a great yaya who helps me in all of the above. And of course, for MANANG, who never fails to give me the traditional Pinoy massage when I badly want one.

That's not so bad, huh? LOLZ

As always, God really provides :D

And for a good read this week, I've stumbled upon 'The Single Mother's Survival Guide', by Patrice Karst.

Tonight though, I am searching high and low for a copy of this book.. It's just beautiful. wonderful. full of heart.......

So, you know, after seeing this picture and reading the synopsis of this children's book, I KNOW, I wouldn't trade my being a solo mommie for anything else.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kung Fu Panda wisdom

Me and lil one stayed up late watching Kung Fu Panda, and we laughed, giggled and cried a bit the whole time.

She couldn't understand, though, how Tai Long became bad, and that how can Master Turtle leave in the middle of something great.

We discussed how the bad heart come to be but I couldn't truly discuss Master Turtle's departure as fully or as profoundly as I want to.

I couldn't fully understand the latter either. But we find comfort that whenever someone leaves, someone worthy takes the place. As Master Rat took up the stick and started believing in Po, the best has started to materialize.

Our favorite part of the movie was Po learning Kung-Fu. Cocobear loved it because Po was able to prove himself, and worked hard to become what he is destined to be. (YES, Cocobear really told me this and in her own words, PO became a good Kung Fu student because he worked hard). I loved it because it allowed me to realize that there are many approaches to learning and teaching. "I realized that I cannot train you the way I have trained the others" and Master Rat took out the dumplings to encourage Po.

I have been struggling with teaching Coco her letters, and as I feel like she is WAY behind her lessons, I am told that kids her age should only learn phonetics, and some. I, on the other hand, wanted her to be more.

Lil girl had this attitude that when she refuses to learn, she would barely lift a finger. She wouldn't look at you, repeat after you, or even listen to what you have to say. AND it gets me frustrated.

But lately, I find her taking out her flash cards herself and asks me to quiz her. AND beautifully enough too, she is able to get the first 5 letters right. I guess, being patient in teaching her things, and finding the right approach to capture her interest are the only ways to get her to maximize her potential.

And my own study habits and.or techniques may not be the best for her too. (I finally get it, and I don't beat myself too much)!

So this Sunday Morning, we take a rest from letter drills and the shapes and the writing. We'd spend it watching Kung Fu Panda again and laugh as hard when Po defeated Tai Long using his big belly.


Such a beautiful movie.

One more good thing about Kung Fu movies? This particular one is packed with words of wisdom. And as it was repeatedly said in the movie: There are No Accidents.

Indeed, everything is meant to be.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mommiehood and love

One cold, cloudy, Saturday afternoon, me and little girl snuggled watching cartoons, browsing the net for cute stuff and more shoes.

And I stumbled into these images:

And all the words about motherhood, my relationship with my daughter and the relationship of all the mothers with their children all over the world is summed up in these three beautiful images.

Sometimes, we take for granted the simple roles we have in this life, opting and filling our moments fighting for a place in the corporate world; when really, we have already achieved the most wonderful position anyone could ever dream of.

But, of course, it doesn't hurt to be a successful working mommy :)

Happy, beautiful Saturday :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm gonna be a size F O U R

Ever since I turned 25, my body couldn't seem to process the sugar and the fats as fast as it did around 10 years ago. Now that I am turning near the station 30, my metabolism has certainly taken the slower lane.

Although I have been struggling with the weight gain, I have ironically come to love my body as it is now. Yes, I'm still cutting back on the rice intake, the sweets and the chips. I have started going with the more greens diet and less of anything hard to digest. I have started drinking water in litres too. lolz

I have even started taking green tea again in the mornings. Less coffee, less milk and whip cream :D

But I am THROUGH the stage of letting people push me and pressure me by making nasty, nasty comments! It's funny now though, when I look back on it, I should have known better than to listen to their opinion. Much more letting it affect me. Aside from the fact that it is laced with malice and intent to belittle my self-esteem, these people making the comments are those who LIVE to belittle people and raise themselves in the process. Ironically too, these very same people are no beauty experts themselves. tsk!

Now that I am fitting well into size 6 and can squeeze my way to size 4 (LOLZ), and losing the beer, errr, baby belly is actually liberating.

And I realize that losing the fats, the belly, the crazy ass depression over weight gain is something that I deserve. It's something that helps me gain control of my weight, my life, my moods, my decisions and even my market. lolz

So, the next uphill battle is to convince this big ass of mine to actually start running again. And take control of my health.

And speaking of health, God help me on finally quitting smoking, for good.

For real.