Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hula. Destiny. Power of Prayer.

Just around the bend, you'll find Christmas morning and mistletoes hovering above. Now, it certainly smells like Christmas Blend brewing at every room. I still haven't really fully felt the holidays coming, until today when I couldn't get my presents gift wrapped. You would not believe the number of people rushing to get gifts, lining up for gift wraps and last minute shopping! And i thought it's a difficult year for the Pinoys. YET sll stalls are packed, most boutiques aren't even on Sale. And people clamoring to get to the cashier sure is a refreshing sight for our weakening economy.

I guess, no matter how streched our pinoy budgets can be, there will always be room for small trinkets and carefully wrapped presents under our trees. It's never really the shopping rush that keeps people coming back for more. But I'd place my bet that it's that one smile you're anticipating come 25 morning.

I know for sure that it's what I'm looking forward to. :)

My 2009 was such a bumpy ride. It was still kinda rough at the start. But I had sooo many unexpected pleasant surprises at some turns and I guess I wouldn't have it any other way. And we all get to think, how carefully planned out our year was by the only ONE who knows our lives past, present and future. And then, I think about the HULA. and I place X marks on the few revelations that have somehow manifested. And I place ?s on those that I still feel skeptical about. Do you believe in fate? Do you even believe that things happen because they're meant to? I do now. I understand now. And I know that the next big shift will happen partly cuz it's meant to. But because really, the universe has heard my little heart wanting this so much that it has conspired to make it happen.

I am a part of one big play. And we are all part of one big, elaborate plan of our Maker. And we all have sonnets to recite, have lines to memorize and have moments worth raising curtains for and we all deserve standing ovations from our crowd. And as tragedy lures us into addiction, we find the next upward turn of the world. And then we all get to understand the past. the present. And eventually, we learn to embrace the future. Like little pearls scattered all around the room, one string making it all happen, making them all onto one long Moulin Rouge neck piece.

Few more shut eyes and we'd all be crossing over to 2010. Don't you just feel that it's gonna be a better year ahead??

Cross your fingers, squint your eyes. Don't forget the safety belts. It's gonna be another one award winning master piece.

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