Saturday, March 5, 2011

Strangers with Wings and a PHD

Today, I took little girl shoe hunting. And as we both love shoes, we spent most of our afternoons gazing, checking, scrutinizing the perfect pair for this picky little one.

And thankfully, we stumbled upon the perfect one- and it came at half the original price too.

On our way home from shoe sale, little one and I took the cab with the most talkative driver ever. And as I sat there listening to this stranger blab about how beautiful life is, I wonder what kind of blessing he must have stumbled upon to be this positive -- and to think, it's already towards the end of the day. While Coco dozed and I stuck pretending to be even comprehending his words, and lost in my own thoughts...

BUT Did you know that the most effective therapists come in the form of cab drivers?

For one, they are strangers looking from a third perspective. They see things from an angle that we couldn't. More often than not, their observation on things are more thorough than ours, they don't leave out what we normally ignore.

Then, these cab drivers are usually old-- not really- but they seem to have the right words all the time, at the exact moment we need them.

Or sometimes, when all we want is a moment of peace, a quiet break where we can just cry for a few minutes, they just drive in silence. Taking the extra patience to sit in a traffic jam, to allow us to sift through emotions and wipe the tears off upon stepping out. Good as brand new.

I guess, we are given some life light bulbs in the form of strangers - like this cab driver, or this guard in our office who I know to always remember to say good morning, thank you, goodbye; or this manang who gives me extra grape Frutos, just cuz she knows how much I love them.

As we drive through the streets, my little girl in my arms, Manong humming a happy tune and telling me that I must have the luckiest partner: to have such happy family, AND I think, I am indeed a truly blessed one.

And this "luckiest partner" that I have yet to meet is, uhm will be, indeed the luckiest! ;)


Tell me your thoughts!