Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby Bear getting better. :)

I came home from two jobs and found Coco with a fever. She was still smiley though when i arrived and informed me she was yayay... I brought kool fever on my way home, and some good night silent night to make her feel better. Her pedia says it's her colds and her cough. But nothing to be alarmed about. But for all the nights I spent before, watching over her get through fever after fever, I still could not get use to the sight of her in yayay... It breaks my heart. Breaks my heart to hear her say she's cold. Or see her cry cuz she wants to be carried. Or feel that she wants to sleep but couldn't cuz of clogged nose.

You'll never really get immune to these type of feelings. Despite the many fevers, stomach upsets, asthma attacks, or lbms you go through together. But I'm not in the panic mode anymore. When her temperature reached past 39, I didn't find myself crying or dialing her pedia's number. A year ago, I would have jumped on the next trip to the hospital. LOL.

Coco's fine now, she woke me up to say she doesn't feel cold anymore. Gave her ice baths the whole night to lower her temperature. And she kept crying and saying she doesn't want it. But finally, she was able to sleep around 3 in the morning, that straight kinda sleep. And finally, was able to sleep myself as well.

We'll drop by her pedia again this morning to see that she doesn't need further medications. We had to keep Vanilla (the puppy) outside so Coco wouldn't have any more of asthma attacks. Instead of giving vanilla away right?

I know Coco is feeling way better now, cuz she reached for the book i bought her last night and told me to read her the story. :) Silent Night. Better Night.

She helped me snap out of it. And finally put me back in track.

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