Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Big Miracles. Small Miracles.

I badly need a miracle. Life Changing Mind Boggling Miracle.

Today was a heavy day for me. And as I sat there listening, I found my heart sighing and almost breaking. It's hard for me to not empathize. And it is harder for me to break away from the emotions too. I know, there is good in it, as there is always good in everything that happens. And as I say this to the people I spoke with, I tried convincing myself the same.

I don't want this heavy feeling. I don't want to be this sad or affected either. And so I think of snapping out of it and remember my usual day savers: Thank God for small Miracles.

Sometimes, we get too caught up in our own predicaments, that we fail to see others around us suffering also. Sometimes, we get too caught up in our mess that we fail to realize that we've had another day to make things right. Sometimes, we see changes as overwhelming and terrifying that we fail to understand that God has everything planned out.Sometimes, we just have to worry to feel like we are actually in control. Sometimes, we just don't see the little things, because we are too fixed on one huge emotion. But it's just okay. We are but humans, who are wired to think and make realizations and feel a variety of emotions.

Over the years, I have learned to just let go and allow things to unfold. Although this has been a thing for me since my last falling out, a little reminder is a good thing to have in your pocket. And then you'd learn to marvel at how moments lead to another, and see the dusts settle in time.

Praying has always been my source of strength and I hope it will be also for you. Faith is a personal relationship with your creator. Even if you just let your tears flow, no words are necessary to describe how you feel or what you think. He already knows.

Sometimes, trusting is just so hard. It feels like jumping into an abyss and not knowing for sure if you'll live or die. The being scared of the unknown part is more terrifying than the actual jumping. But the trust part comes when you just let go. And then you'll know that either He has taught you to fly, or He has prepared to catch your fall.Terrified, shaking scared, I know. But just let go.

My small miracle came to me tonight with Coco feeling way better and we snuggled in bed for some good night stories. And I gladly put my writing jobs aside and read marvels with my only one. And now looking back at that moment, I figured out why I was still able to sleep with not so much of a heavy heart. I have my Coco to constantly remind me of the Hands of God, i'm sure you also have your little miracles knocking and waiting.

My heart hasn't purely recovered from that conversation. But a good reminder has made it feel a bit better. And the fact that we have this writing thing that makes us realize over and over (TOO MANY realizations lately!), will make things better.

So, if ever you'd come across my blog, Cheer up, you know who you are :)

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