Sunday, November 15, 2009

Curing Insanity: Dose by dose.

Lately, have been thinking too much. And have realized that there is just too much insanity in my life. too much craziness i think I have become a walking idiot. This is what happens when we have some free time. haha More of those I think, You think, Maybe, I know conversations result to this: realizations.

But that's just it, your hands are full of these realizations, both good and bad. And you're still in the process of sorting them out and throwing what must be thrown, and keeping what must be kept. But this process cannot happen overnight. In my case, it couldn't even happen over the weekend. Sometimes, there's just the later alligator factor. And you haven't really finally decided. But you know.

The signs are there! What other sort of epiphany do I need to see and want to witness before I finally say I KNOW NOW. But you know, the brain is a stubborn thing. The heart? More. Combined? Almost impossible.

All I know for sure is that some room for some more is kind of immaterial at the moment. Unnecessary even. And this conclusion, I found in Coco's medicine bottle: Administer every four hours until fever is gone.

This is what I need: a reminder every four hours until the insanity subsides.

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