Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Letting Go

I can't believe i'm staying up late on my 5th night with the flu. I know, I should be sleeping already, but can you believe the words keep knocking my brain about, I just have to pound away.

And so I did. Kind Boss will be happy to see articles, while he's sipping iced coffee in Majorica. :)

The past days, I kept to myself. With the flu keeping me in, and keeping me down, all I ever did was sleep. And dream some away. I played a few games with lil one, and she even surprised me pretend-breakfast in bed, with her chef headband and plastic tray, with carrot soup and teacups.. How can your heart not melt? My first ever breakfast in bed :)

And it was one of those moments when i just wished sick days won't ever come. I heart my lil one to pieces! She makes me think that yes, I AM the luckiest on earth!

But the crazy thing about being a mom is that we never really get sick days off, or sleep in days, or really... As I lay there half asleep, most weak, most aching all over, Half of my brain keeps hearing Coco, telling her to get down, sit down, and taking part of her Princess conversations too. LOL. And showing up at work crazy Monday morning, with flu all over my face.

I've watched a million sappy chick flicks over the weekend too. Plus the hundred Little Mermaids and Swan Princesses too. Too much of all that love thing, I am left with hearts in my eyes. My good friend L once told me, to shake me off my crying years ago, to snap out of the fairytale dream. That they aren't true and is just no bound to happen. To get over the picket fence kinda life..

But for whatever cynicism I throw around, however I build these walls, I am just a sucker for happy endings. sigh. do we ever get over being such a gubby?

When my good friend2 Y came home from her Universal Studios trip, I asked her if she snagged me one of those potions for happily ever afters, the Fairy Godmother makes? LOL

My genie, my fairygodmother, my knight in shining armor... they should just roll right off my shoulders.

And i'm guessing that's just what's gonna happen next.

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