Saturday, May 1, 2010

Deleting Unwanted Vibes.

I had the longest afternoon naps in the past months. I woke up with my lil one shaking my shoulders and proclaiming she needed to go to the restroom. Hearing her hushed voice still brings a smile to my face.

I've been really tired this week. I'm always tired when my boss is in town. Maybe cuz he always manages to squeeze in a lot more extra work than needed and would require us to haul ass twice more than usual. I'm also tired of dealing with the B**** in our team, I'm tired of hating her this much and wanting to wring her neck so. I'm tired of her childish attitude and her equally immature partner. I'm tired of taking in negative vibes from both of them. AND i'm seriously tired of having to put up with their unacceptable behavior.

I told myself that this has got to stop. I mean, it could only affect if I would let it right? I don't know what is the DEAL with her, but every time that I find a little thing worthy of being happy about, she just finds some needle to blow everything up.

But Enough already. I owe it to myself to be free from this excess baggage. She isn't even worthy of this space in my blog. She definitely does not deserve a place in my world.


I promise myself to not say anything about her (of course, they're all bad LOL).
I promise not to bitch.
I promise not to mind her.
I promise to let her bitchiness roll down my shoulders.
I promise to stay in my personal space.
I promise to block her from my view, my work, my life.
I promise to take deep breaths and count one to ten when I feel like punching them both.
I promise to let ugly sidekick be, and to not make her feel like she does look like Petrang Kabayo whenever I could. Afterall, it really isn't her fault she was born ugly.

I will let these mundane things go, let every small thing and day pass, and I will keep my promises simply because I want to delete her from my world. and I want to be untired.

And I must remember, that the last person who has made me feel THIS tired and this fed up isn't actually lounging on her laurels. Must say, karma comes and when it does, it bites you in the ass. So, go on, bitch on for all I care. You definetely won't be having the last laugh.

Embrace only the beautiful, accept only the Happy. -- This weekend's reaffirmation.
RADIATE only LOVE. And attract only Love. sigh :D

BTW, my framed pictures look absolutely great!- happy thought :D I love LOVE!! yeee!

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