Sunday, October 10, 2010

Driven for Change

I've always had the gift of writing. But writing things before they happened was never part of it.

Although lately, my sense of intuition has been heightened-- no, developed, after a series of mishaps. And so, I find myself writing, saying, linking words together and finding out that hey! I make sense! And hey, I was right!!

I know that not all of the things that come out of my mouth are pretty words, and more often than not they have been brutal. And with this realization, I told myself that the world is not about me alone. AND I should start understanding that it doesn't hurt to be nice.

And so, I did what I could manage: if there's one thing that I have managed to control is the way these words come out. (Give credit for it!)

Lately, (like for the past year) I have been making conscious efforts to clip my tongue when I have nothing OK to say or comment. And I have learned to always keep my words chewable, even sugarcoated so as when the time comes that I need to swallow em, they aren't sooo bitter.

And I find it really amazing that it is paying off :)

Earlier this year, I vowed to myself to:

* never strike back unless the pain is intolerable (and I have increased my pain tolerance level)
* swallow every hurtful word that comes my way even when I know I am right. The world is round, what goes around comes around.
* let things pass. I don't have to have the last word every time.
* lessons are learned, not shoved down one's throat. So if they don't understand, it's alright, they'll learn the hard way.
* it's not all the time that I need to have an opinion. I can keep them to myself.
* never lose sight of my principles and never doubt the kind of person that I am. I am way past HS and so I think the whiners and losers cannot dictate who I am now.

So if you would ever care to listen to what people like me would like to say, remember, that whatever advice that comes out from our mouths come from a thing called experience.

And from the fact that we have seen more of the world, its ugliest and darkest form, and once thought: Hey, Mom/Dad/Granma/Auntie- whoever, was right afterall.

Then maybe, take in a mantra that helps us better: Don't hurt people in anyway if you don't wanna find yourself hurting twice as much.

More like the golden rule huh. It's not so easy I know, but it gets better every single day.

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