Monday, October 18, 2010

Pressing Restart.

I have been doing a LOT of thinking lately. About goal resetting, values reorganizing- about everything in my life.

And the whole thing is messing my whole thoughts sooo much that I still am clearly in the middle of it all.

A good start though, I know what I want now. And I know that there are a lot of things that I need to eliminate, issues to process and even emotions to really sort out and throw out.

But for sure, I know this is for the better.

And as I spend more ME time scattered through out the day, just 5 mins of sitting still and feeling things sink in or watching them fly around my head, makes it easier for me to structure the kind of days I want to live in and the kind of days I want my daughter to open her eyes to.

As the days go by, with beautiful blessings around me to remind me of how blessed I am, I get to realize what and who I consider important. And should I want to have that one thing, I should.....

I should... that, I still need to figure out.

But for tonight, I am gonna promise, that tomorrow, I will be different.

I made the first step today, and tomorrow I will continue to make it happen. Until one day, I am already there.

And it's a promise that I am wishing soooo bad to keep.

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