Monday, October 4, 2010

Out of Reach. Out of Touch.

The craziest thing I ever did for love was to build my world around one person and still feel the same kind, the same amount, the same everything of love even if I saw my world falling apart.

I was walking down A Avenue, trying to find the elusive mooncake and I found myself actually missing this chaotic city I once called my home. I have always been a fan of late night walks and walking and walking on this avenue on an almost lonely Monday night made me realize that the crazy things I once did happened for a reason.

Just like all the other things that I inadvertently blurt out, all the other decisions that I've chosen, and all the other reasons and situations I create are purely accidents and, well, case in point, insensitive.

And I actually, really feel bad.

Someone once told me that I was so out of reach, mainly because I always have my own world. And for the past two three four weeks, I have been told the exact same lines by geographically, philosophically, insanely different people.

And I admit, I find it so hard to really digest those words.
But I know, it's the truth too.

Maybe I am just that one lone star in the sky, meant to be blinking alone for the rest of eternity. Not because no other stars beside or not even the moon or sun can shine with it. But most probably because the star just can't stop shining for anyone else other than the earth.

Or for the reason that it just couldn't shine for anything more.

Out of reach. Out of touch.

Have you ever found yourself doing crazy things for this thing they call love?



  1. I do crazy things when i'm in love. I think i am most daring if i am in love. haha..

    i notice that things were really tough during my past relationship. There were things that i planned and things are just impossible to happen because some things will just come up and then it ruins my plans. It seemed like nature was not supporting me. I guess it took me a few more years to figure out that we were not meant to be. I waited too long til i was heart broken. I always believe that things always happen for a reason. The reason maybe not be crystal clear at first but time will allow you to completely understand why it needed to happen. :)

  2. wow, well said :)

    things won't always be crystal clear until the day it's meant to be so. some things just won't happen no matter how we plan and prepare for it. But when it's meant to be, no matter the distance, the trials, the shit, it's still gona work.

    but for now, i need to work on my insensitivity. lolz


Tell me your thoughts!