Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Don't take it sitting down!

I will never get used to it. No matter how much I remind myself of the scheduled power interruptions, I will never grow to make it part of our routine! And I will never get used to corruption, mindless politics and unceasing media circus!

Few weeks back, I come home to my little girl playing, and we get to spend some good quality time together before hitting the bed for a good night story. Now with the black outs, humidity and utter paralysis of life, I arrive to see my baby trying hard to sleep and her nanny religiously keeping her cool.

Before we know it, we are going to have water shortage, food shortage and surely, "patience" shortage. But are we ever gonna have shortage on politics, corruption and senseless wasting??

This morning, some V-presidential candidate roamed around the city for a stint of his campaign. Personally, I am inclined to cast my vote for this guy, hoping that he could bring discipline to the little streets of Cagayan. Sometimes, what we all need is some iron hand to get things straightened. Because we all have visions; We all have dreams and goals. But not all of us have the discipline to follow through.

And so, with the realization that this power shortage, food shortage, environmental catastrophic events will come one after another, me and my little family have come up of a few home energy saving scheme and some earth friendly resolutions to pitch in mother's nature's healing:

* Turn off the lights when no one is around
* Schedule Barney shows! and give up the gossip filled prime-times
* Go online only when absolutely necessary (gasp!)
* RECYCLE!! We have consistently adhered to the bote't dyaryo at lata practice
* Iron clothes only when needed
* Always, always defrost your freezer to maximize coolness of the fridge
* Stop using styros
* Do groceries on Wednesdays when the Green Bag policy holds true
* Save every drop of water!! Use the pail for car washing (Seriously!)
* Quit Smoking (to reduce waste, air pollution and yes, promote health and wellness!)
* minimize take outs, and minimize tech waste. Let's go for rechargeable batteries. And candles too! :D

Please, let's just stop the debate whether we should be giving our president additional power to solve the energy crisis in Mindanao. Because while we are arguing over this, our energy source is slowly depleting. And sooner, if not later, our days will consist of more than 5 hour power black-outs. Imagine the life our children will lead.

Taking a step to change our country and to solve global problems can be made today- by each one of us. As this crisis does not lie on the hands of one person. It is in every one's.

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