Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Drama Queen

Paulo Coelho tweeted: Close some doors. Not out of incapacity or arrogance, but because they lead you nowhere.

When the year started, I found myself in a dilemma. With work, with my personal life, with a lot of matters. And I found myself constantly thinking how I could strictly follow my goal-action plan, with its timelines.

Now I know.

I have always believed in things happening for a reason. And I have always believed that when they happen, they happen at the right time. Whether we grasp it or not, comprehend its purpose or not, we should know that our God has mapped out our lives, the way he sees it fit. Days, months, years down the road, you'll figure out the answers to your questions.

And yesterday, I found my answer to one of the top three questions I've had since two years ago. Is it too late? No. Is it what I was expecting? Yes. Yesterday, I know that nowhere is not a road I want to travel. And working out the plan to diverse in path should start today.

I guess, some parts of us, with the wheel of routine and everyday doldrums, we know deep down how things are going to be. Even if we just resign them to fate. invisible hand. destiny. whatever we may call it.

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