Sunday, January 24, 2010

Frog Princes on Hearts Day. WOW!

The problem with being a single parent is that you don't really know to which group you should be sitting with. You are neither SINGLE. nor MARRIED. But you are alone. And you have a kid. Treating yourself to a round of tequila with good friends seems ideal to take away this and that, but you always end up changing sheets and baking pasta instead, on Friday-rainy nights. Either would actually prove to be comforting.

All these because February is just around the corner. I hate hearts day. Did you know that an average of three people a day, come up to me and ask what I would be doing on V day? AND no, they're not asking for dates! LOL. They're just curious on how I would be spending it. And it is precisely because of these that I come to hate cheeziness on the day. I tell them I spend hearts day with my little one. That's cheezy enough right? But they always ALWAYS always say: No,no, you should go out on a date. Like a dinner date with some guy...

And I feel like, where on earth could I find a guy?? It's a trick question you know, when they start asking me about Vday. It's like stating the obvious and acting really surprised, wide eyed gaping mouth kinda surprised.

Seriously, I am okay being single single mommie. It may be surprising but it's true. I still believe in the happily ever after part, just in case you're formulating and spelling out B I TT E R in your brain. I still believe in One day and picket fences and frog princes too. It just so happens that I don't have one right now. FROG Prince or otherwise.

And I think: Maybe I should just really post a sign on our gate that says: WANTED DATE ON VDAY. How does that sound? Maybe the questions will stop pouring in.


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